
Economy of refrigerations systems
The capacity of industrial refrigeration systems is for many decades leading figure for designing and erection. Increasing energy costs force operators of cooling houses, conditioned logostic centers and deep-freeze facilities. But not only the core processes stand in focus. Even the comprehensive, more global infrastructure needs to be included in an economic evaluation. In many cooling houses countless kilometers of pipe, the source of extensive energy losses, initiated by heat loss to ambient, are symptom for growing costs. Independant from operation mode: Warm- or cold pipes.
Therefore: The efficiency of thermal insulation on pipes represents the main factor in calculations about energy loss and further energy balance. Jabitherm Rohrsysteme AG traces with the implementation of polyurethane foam for thermal insulation the goal of saving energy while processing in pipes consequently. In conjunction with a diffusion-tight, spiralled inside fold protective jacket, the foam insulation has proven to show significant advantages compared to competing technologies.
The REWE-Group started in 2019 a large fresh produce center at Dortmund. The focus fell on two reasonable aspects: Energy saving and minimised employment/consumption of cooling agent. The high expectations of the customer for refrigeration lines could be fulfilled by choosing Jabitherm system RAPID-COOL. Pipes insulated with polyurethane foam transfer NH3 at approximately -36°C in the cooling circuit.
Several halls have been erected in 2018 in the metro-politan area of Hamburg. Their purpose was to establish a defined and reprodu-cible process for banana ripening. The conditioned halls contain ambitious refrigeration technique. Jabitherm pipe system RAPID-COOL, conceived for cold insulation, had been implemented for the transport of cooling agent. Cold brine transferred in pre-insulated pipes at -10°C