The REWE-Group started in 2019 a large fresh produce center at Dortmund. The focus fell on two reasonable aspects: Energy saving and minimised employment/consumption of cooling agent. The high expectations of the customer for refrigeration lines could be fulfilled by choosing Jabitherm system RAPID-COOL. Pipes insulated with polyurethane foam transfer NH3 at approximately -36°C in the cooling circuit.
Hall ceiling
The pipe run underneath the ceiling leads the cooling agent to the evaporators. It is characterised by several straight pipe lines and numerous junctions and formed parts. Perfectly suitable for this kind of pipe design is pre-insulated pipe series RAPID-EASY CUTTING, which is outstanding due to particularly simple assembly. Protective jacket and insulating foam can easily be removed. It allows to prepare junctions and fitting parts in advance of following assembly.
The majority from the total quantity of approximately 5 km pipes installed, are mounted on top of roof areas. Easy installation and the ability to assemble the pipe brackets on the outer protective jacket, lead to a dramatic decrease of installation effort and time on pipe network. The easy installation, the outdoor long-term stability and energy-saving insulation technique were decisive in case of system choice.
Particularly refrigerating plants which are not affected by BImschG (federal immission control act) those pre-insulated pipes are used. The high energy efficiency of polyurethane foam insulation is an essential factor for keeping core demand: Consumption of max 3 to cooling agent NH3.
Visible in a contribution developed in cooperation with cold world GmbH (https://cold.world/) , presenting an example of fresh produce center of REWE-Group.