In 2016 and 2017 Jabitherm Rohrsysteme AG delivered more than 10 km of pre-insulated pipes for the construction of a completely new LNG terminal at Tornio/Finland. With a total investment of 120 million € it represents one of the largest LNG-projects in the Scandinavian region. Implemented in this installation are nominal pipe widths between DN 450 und DN 25.
Pipelines inside the industrial complex transfer either industrial and fresh water or connect LNG unloading facilities with LNG storage tanks. These pipes are designed to carry liquefied natural gas at a temperature of -164°C [-263,2°F]. Liquidity of gases can only be kept when temperature value is held with minimal tolerances. Central task of thermal insulation is the protection of gas containing medium pipe against influences (heat) from ambient. Pre-insulated pipes of product series RAPID-CRYO and FIRESAFE® are installed among others on pipe bridges.
Plant safety
The design of RAPID-CRYO is especially dedicated for operation at extreme frostiness down to -195°C [-319°F]. FIRESAFE® warrants in case of implementation in hazar- dous ambient and inflammable atmosphere increased safety level and protection according to classifications T30, T60 and T90. A special pipe design with double- or triple-insulation layer construction guarantees a high grade of fire protection up to 90 minutes. The fire-protective properties combined with the extreme resistance at cryogen temperatures had been decisive arguments for adaption of products in this LNG-project.