BASF operates many industrial complexes worldwide. The total length of their pipe systems which would run several times around the earth, means a tremendous maintenance effort. Therefore it is crucial that pipe installations require minimum maintenance. Since 1985 BASF has operated with pre-insulated pipe systems designed and manu-factured by Jabitherm following this low maintenance strategy.
Trace heating
Meanwhile BASF has installed more than 300 km of Jabitherm products with various dimensions and designs. Over 200 completed projects with pre-insulated pipes transporting more than 50 different fluids shows the large adaptability of the pipe system. Medium pipes can be made of steel, stainless steel, polypropylene, glass fibre reinforced carbon plastic, Teflon®-PTFE and polyethylene for example. All fixings on pre-insulated pipes installed at sites of BASF were assembled on the outer pipe jacket. This approch eleminated apprx. 50.000 - 80.000 potential corrosion bridges on the medium pipe surface. A huge advantage considering the maintenance savings.